
Music therapy for mother and baby

Music therapy for mother and baby

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When a baby, still in its mother's womb, listens to classics like Mozart, Bach and Vivaldi, its heart rate relaxes, many experts have observed. The rhythm of these songs induces states of serenity. Rosa Elena Valderrama, former dean of the Peruvian College of Obstetricians, revealed that, according to her experience, music can help pregnant women overcome their problems and lead to a healthy baby.

Music therapy, according to her, enriches the physical, emotional and intellectual development of the baby. It is also used in hyperactive, depressed, aggressive children and is very useful in the treatment of autistic children to help them overcome their isolation and modify behavior patterns; and children with mental disabilities can also benefit from music therapy.

Many women, during pregnancy, can suffer a negative emotional charge that translates into discomfort, insecurity of themselves or the environment, fear, frustration or a feeling of failure. Inadvertently, they will be transmitting all of this to the unborn baby, turning him into a fearful or insecure baby. In these cases, music therapy plays an important role: stimulate a deeper connection between mother and child, and give them peace of mind and self-control.

The baby who listened to music in an orderly and sequential manner during pregnancy, receives better breastfeeding and other foods, sleeps more and cries less and, in addition, since he created positive emotional bonds with his mother through music. Before being born, the baby is able to hear, feel or learn, dream, laugh, memorize and react with its movements.

As well perceives all the sounds that come to him through his mother, that of the heartbeat, respiration, circulation, digestive, fetal, as well as amniotic fluid. Music promotes musical intelligence and has a relaxing effect. The formation of the personality begins to develop around beautiful melodies, stimulating the creativity, concentration and coordination of the unborn child.

Music therapy brings benefits not only to the baby but also to the woman who is pregnant. Prenatal auditory stimulation achieves greater relaxation for women during labor, reducing their level of anxiety, giving them greater self-control over pain and awareness of physical sensations. To the reduce stress at delivery it will also help the baby to be born wrapped with more serenity. Music therapy regulates the mood, cheers up, and softens states of tension, stress, and depression. It also improves learning, coordination, and physical endurance.

Music therapy is a fundamental tool to work with the baby during its gestation. Some obstetricians use this therapy to the pregnant woman individually, in a group, or as a couple. As a general rule, it is a music therapist who is in charge of guiding and training the woman, so that, among other things, she can fully enjoy her pregnancy, participating, listening, and expressing the physical sensations that music causes.

Music therapy can also be worked in conjunction with the woman's own obstetrician. For that, you must have a weekly appointment of approximately one hour. From the fourth month of gestation, the baby already has its hearing system developed. This is the best time to start therapy. At home, the expectant mother can also continue with therapy. Begin by choosing serene and melodious music. Mozart songs, especially, are the most recommended. Listen to them patiently, and then you can sing to baby. This will promote the bond between mother and baby.

Sources consulted: -Psicantropí - - Baby-Shopping

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Video: Music Therapy in the NICU. Norton Womens u0026 Childrens Hospital (November 2024).