
My child has lice: what do I do?

My child has lice: what do I do?

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With the arrival of spring, after the summer holidays and the return of Easter, the strongest outbreaks of lice begin in schools, although they practically do not leave us during the year and our school-age child can be infested at any time because lice are increasingly resistant to our aggressive treatments.

Mommy itches me! It is one of the most fearsome phrases for parents' ears that we have ever had to delouse our little ones. It is the most common symptom of pediculosis, because when the louse bites, it injects a toxin into the skin, before sucking the blood. When we experience it for the first time it is almost traumatic, because many times we have not been able to recognize the first symptoms of infestation and by the time we act, lice are a fearsome enemy to fight (especially in abundant hair).

Parents and teachers should talk about the subject naturally, because, according to pediatricians, lice are not necessarily related to poor hygiene, although, without a doubt, they proliferate more in poor hygienic conditions or where many people live. We must prevent and notify the teacher of the possible cases that occur in a certain class so that they can communicate it to the rest of the parents for a prompt detection and treatment, but without panic.

I remember that in my daughter's class, a mother (who was fed up with her son getting lice) advised that all the students use a lice treatment the same day, whether they had lice or not. This is outrageous, I suppose it was not her, but her despair! Dr. Virginia Carranza, from the Andalusian Institute of Pediatrics, insists that only individuals with active infestation should be treated. It should never be used as prevention, because this contributes to the increase in resistance to treatments. Sometimes the ineffectiveness of these products in removing nits means that a child can relapse over and over again, having to spend several weeks manually removing the eggs or using increasingly aggressive treatments or even antibiotics.

It is essential to remove all the nits. According to the advice of Dr. Carranza, the pediculicide will always be applied on dry hair accompanied by the manual removal of lice and nits. Creams and lotions would be more effective than shampoos, which are diluted with water. After letting the product act, you should wash your hair with the usual shampoo, comb it and let it air dry. If the treatment has been carried out correctly, after 24 hours the person is no longer infectious, although the treatment should be repeated after 7 days.

For children under two years of age, it is preferable not to use pediculicides and to carry out a manual removal of lice. The problem of lice is always an active front, for which effective and definitive solutions are sought.

Patro Gabaldon. Editor of our site

You can read more articles similar to My child has lice: what do I do?, in the category of Lice and nits on site.